Ward One Update
City Council Member Kevin Reich
City of Minneapolis issues call for artists for four Nicollet Mall projects
The City of Minneapolis is seeking artists for four projects as an important part of the redesign and reconstruction of the city’s downtown Nicollet Mall. The Nicollet Mall Project encompasses the complete reconstruction of the street and sidewalks along the 12 blocks of the mall from Washington Avenue to Grant Street. The redesign project is being led by New York-based landscape architects and urban designers James Corner Field Operations in partnership with local firms Snow Kreilich Architects, Coen + Partners, and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Construction is scheduled for completion in 2017.
The City of Minneapolis seeks to commission and integrate new works representing a diverse range of public artists into the new mall design.
The project’s goals are to develop new works of art which:
- Are stimulating and contribute to the mall’s reputation as a national destination,
- Engage adults and children at both large scale and detailed (intimate) levels,
- Contribute to mall’s vitality and ability to attract visitors,
- Represent the best creative ideas and the range of cultural communities in the city,
- Are compatible with the mall design, the current art collection and the needs of the businesses and residents, and
- Are durable and can be maintained in Minneapolis’ climate and urban environment.
The call includes opportunities for artists to:
- Lead a team of local and emerging artists to create series of small lanterns ($200,000)
- Create a large-scale iconic artwork ($500,000)
- Design a key feature in the overall mall design ($225,000)
- Curate/integrate all public art into overall mall design ($75,000)
The project is open to artists or artist teams who reside within the United States. An informational meeting for artists is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. at Minneapolis Central Library, room S-275, 300 Nicollet Mall. The presentation from that meeting, along with questions and answers, will be posted on the City’s website by Feb. 13 at 4 p.m. The deadline for submissions is midnight (MT) on Feb. 27, 2015. The City expects to select artists by mid-April and to install the new artworks as the mall is reconstructed in 2016 and 2017.
Information about how to apply can be found on the City’s website at or by contacting Mary Altman, Public Arts Administrator.
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