Monday, November 5, 2012

Message from Council Member Kevin Reich

Fall is budget season for the City of Minneapolis. The Mayor has proposed a 2013 budget with a 1.7% increase over 2012. This proposed increase, which is below the rate of inflation, is possible due to the tax relief made available to the City through the downtown stadium financing package.

The increase allows a number of significant expenditures, including $1.1 million to allow the Fire Department to hire additional firefighters; $2.5 million to allow the Police Department to hire new non-sworn community service officers, convert existing community service officers to sworn officers, and start a new recruit class in 2012; $1.2 million for major street construction projects, road and bike trail maintenance, utility system upgrades and economic development projects.

Over the past several weeks the City Council has been receiving presentations from all City departments regarding their budget plans. Two public hearings will also be held at City Hall, Room 317, to give the public the opportunity to weigh in on the budget proposal and the 2013 property tax levy, beginning at 6:05 p.m. on both Wednesday, November 28, and Wednesday, December 12. The Council will then vote to adopt a final 2013 budget and levy on December 12, immediately following the second public hearing.

I will be looking carefully at all aspects of the departmental budgets and overall City expenditures, but I can say that I am initially pleased to see increases to the Police and Fire budgets that will have a direct positive impact on public safety. I also think that investment in the maintenance and enhancement of public infrastructure fulfills a core mission of municipal government. The current path the budget is on remains consistent with my priorities, although the process is still fluid until the final budget vote on December 12.  

I look forward to receiving your input on budget priorities.

- Kevin Reich

Contact Kevin Reich
350 S. 5th Street
Room 307
Minneapolis, MN 55415

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