Monday, July 1, 2013

Central Avenue Median Update

Phase II of the Central Avenue medians prairie plantings has been launched this summer, with continued maintenance of last year’s plantings and the addition of some colorful newcomers – Golden Alexander, Indian Grass and Yellow Coneflower. Neighborhood representatives, the Edison Green Youth Council and CM Reich joined Prairie Restorations in installing 15,000 of these plants at the end of June. The project began in 2011 when funding was identified to clear the medians and install a more durable prairie-style landscape. After the City held a number of meetings with neighborhood representatives and community members, Prairie Restorations, which has been developing prairie landscapes for 37 years, began the initial establishment of the plantings in the summer of 2012. That process included general seeding with a MN DOT-approved mix of native grasses and wildflowers, as well as regular mowing and spot applications of herbicides to control invasive species growth.

Prairie plantings require patience, since it takes two to three years for the root systems of these perennials to get fully established and able to crowd out annual and biennial weeds. However, once that process is complete, the native plants will provide not only beauty, but also improved soil infiltration, habitat for bees, butterflies and birds, and long-term maintenance cost savings. Part of the overall vision community members developed for the landscaping extends beyond the medians to encompass the boulevards on the east and west of Central Avenue. To that end, Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board (MPRB) has installed several new trees along the west side of the Avenue near the Columbia Manor parking lot. For further information about the Central Median plantings, please contact the 1st Ward office.

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