Monday, April 5, 2010

Council Member in the Ward

I encourage you to contact me to ask questions and share your viewpoints. I will be setting up regular Ward One office hours beginning in May and will keep you informed of that schedule, but I am also always happy to meet with you at a either at City Hall or at a convenient location in the ward. Just give the Ward One office a call at 612-673-2201 or email me at

I also encourage you to attend the next Northeast Network on Thursday, April 8 to talk about transit planning in Northeast Minneapolis. I will be sharing some information about potential plans for streetcars on Central Avenue and will be joined by Michelle Dibblee of Transit for Livable Communities and Hennepin County Commissioner Mark Stenglein. The Network is 7:30-8:45 a.m. at Eastside Food Co-op, 2551 Central Ave NE.

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