Monday, September 3, 2012

ZAP Twin Cities Comes to Edison

Toyota and the National Audubon Society recently selected Ashley Mueller as a 2012 TogetherGreen Fellow for her work encouraging biking and walking among students and staff at Edison High School. Previously Mueller was involved in setting up the Edison Student Green Council. As a TogetherGreen Fellow, she’s received a $10,000 grant to implement the ZAP system at Edison to support biking and walking. ZAP is a solar-powered, automated hardware and software system that allows the tracking of commuting outcomes such as miles biked/walked, calories burned and CO2 reduced. In addition to using the technology to encourage biking and walking, Mueller is working with teachers to use this tool in their curriculum. ZAP isn’t just for students; if you are a bike commuter interested in participating in this free incentive program, visit for information about how to get tagged and where to ZAP your ride.

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