Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Message from Council Member Kevin Reich

While the 2012 election is over, our examination of the process is not. Minneapolis’ 81% voter turnout was the highest percentage for the city since 1943 and higher than the State of Minnesota’s overall turnout. These are numbers to be proud of, but that good news is tempered by significant issues at a small percentage of our polling places, including long lines, signage issues, parking shortages and equipment failures. These types of issues are a serious matter, since access to voting is key to a vital democratic process. The City Clerk and City of Minneapolis Elections Division reported to the Council’s Elections Committee on December 3 on problems that arose last November, as well as planned next steps to address those problems. That report is linked HERE.

The only precinct in the First Ward identified as having experienced a high level of issues was 1:1, a precinct that saw changes due to redistricting. I received reports from voters of long lines, extended wait times and a lack of parking. Elections staff will be assessing these reports, doing site visits to the polling place and making any alterations to parking and voter processing necessary to ensure that this location operates effectively. I would appreciate receiving further input from voters who were affected by these issues. In 2010 my office worked with community members in the 1:7 to move their polling place from the Elections Warehouse to Van Cleve Park. The move significantly improved the voting process for this precinct and I appreciated the neighborhood input that brought the issue to my attention.

A related issue of access has been brought to my attention here at City Hall. Our City Council offices in Room 307 of City Hall do not make sufficient accommodation for the sight-impaired in terms of braille signage. Since access to elected officials is another element of an effective democracy, I take this deficiency in signage very seriously and have committed to the Minneapolis Advisory Committee on People with Disabilities, who first brought this to my attention, to remedy the situation. My office is working with Neighborhood & Community Relations to get the appropriate signage installed in the very near future.

~ Kevin Reich

Contact Kevin Reich
350 S. 5th Street
Room 307
Minneapolis, MN 55415

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