Friday, May 3, 2013

City Studies Energy Pathways Alternatives

The City of Minneapolis has utility franchise agreements with Xcel Energy for electricity and CenterPoint Energy for natural gas. These agreements were signed in the early 1990s, and both expire in 2014. The City is in the early stages of preparing to negotiate new franchise agreements. As part of its effort to establish a pathway to a more sustainable, 21st century energy system, the City of Minneapolis is seeking proposals for professional services to complete a study that will explore the various routes the City could take to achieve its energy goals. The study would include an energy vision developed with a select group of stakeholders by the end of August 2013; a study of existing models, including municipal acquisition of utilities and other alternatives; and an overview of the current legal landscape. The work is expected to be completed by the end of February 2014.

More information is available on the City’s energy utilities franchise agreements web page.

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