Monday, September 2, 2013

Keep Our Trees Healthy

The late summer and fall drought conditions we have experienced can take a significant toll on our trees. To keep your yard and boulevard trees healthy, make sure to water them whenever they don’t receive one inch of rain per week. Lack of water can make trees susceptible to disease and insects and cause permanent damage to young and old trees. Trees under five years old are particularly susceptible to damage. The most effective way to water a tree is turn on a slow stream of water for a few hours. Watering should continue until trees have lost all of their leaves and entered full dormancy.

Emerald Ash Borer beetles are inactive between Labor Day and May 1, so if you have an ash tree that you would like to trim or take down, between now and spring is the time to do it safely.

Taking care of our trees means protecting our Minneapolis quality of life. Research proves that healthy trees are beautiful, increase property values, help improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gases by absorbing carbon dioxide, save energy, keep the city cooler, provide homes for wildlife and help manage stormwater.

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