Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New Bicycle & Pedestrian Connection in Northeast Minneapolis

A new trail crossing at New Brighton Blvd NE & Stinson Blvd NE became operational Friday, September 13th. This new crossing connects the Diagonal Trail (east of the intersection) to Minneapolis’ larger bicycle and pedestrian network and key NE Minneapolis destinations (west of the intersection).

This complex intersection required a unique solution to create a better connection for biking and walking. The solution is a more direct crossing through the middle of the intersection that is approximately 1/3 of the distance of previous routes (Figure 1). This dedicated bicycle and pedestrian crossing includes a pedestrian signal complete with countdown timer, and pending Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approval the crossing will soon include a bicycle signal, similar in appearance to the bicycle signal at 5th St NE & Broadway St NE.

How does this new crossing affect me?

Bicyclists and Pedestrians
To use the new crossing you must push the pedestrian button located on the signal post for this crossing, to make your presence known. The walk signal will not turn on unless you push the pedestrian button. You MUST WAIT for the walk signal to turn on and then proceed with caution using the new crossing.

When the traffic signal is displaying the walk signal for bicyclists and pedestrians using the new crossing, drivers will have a red light at all legs of the intersection, with one exception – cars traveling north-bound on Stinson waiting to turn left onto southwest-bound New Brighton will receive a green left turn arrow at the same time bicyclists and pedestrians are using the new crossing (Figure 2).

When driving north-bound or south-bound on Stinson Blvd NE and preparing to turn right onto southwest-bound or northeast-bound New Brighton you will see a new sign posted. This sign reads “Turning Vehicles STOP for Pedestrians” (Figure 3).

You MUST STOP completely for all red lights when preparing to turn right, and must stop for pedestrians and bicyclists using the new crossing. You MUST STOP for pedestrians and bicyclists using the adjacent crosswalks when preparing to turn on green lights.

All Users
Always behave predictably and follow the rules of the road.

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