This year’s election will be a complex affair, with Ranked Choice Voting (RCV), multiple mayoral candidates and two ballot questions related to the Minneapolis City Charter. It is particularly important that voters understand the nature and implications of proposed changes to the City Charter before voting on something this significant.
Minneapolis voters will see two ballot questions about the Minneapolis City Charter:
Proposal to Amend the City Charter
“Shall the Minneapolis City Charter be amended in the form of a complete revision which (1) modernizes the Charter; (2) redrafts its provisions for brevity and in plain language; (3) reorganizes the Charter into nine articles, and groups related provisions together; (4) removes from the Charter certain provisions for possible enactment into ordinance; and (5) retains the current role and relationships of City boards and commissions?”
Proposal to Amend the Minneapolis City Charter Liquor-Licensing Provisions
“Shall the Minneapolis City Charter provisions relating to the sale of liquor and wine be amended by reorganizing and rewriting in plain modern language?
I urge you to think carefully about your votes on these two ballot measures. The City Charter defines how the City is governed and establishes the roles of the Mayor, the City Council, various departments of City government and the independent Boards we have in Minneapolis, the Park Board and the Board of Estimate and Taxation. Changes to the Charter need to be thoughtfully considered, since there may be many unintended consequences. Indeed, City Attorney Susan Segal has expressed concerns about potential legal consequences related to the extent of the revisions of this controlling document. To view the specific changes to the Charter that are being proposed and to see side-by-side comparisons, please visit
Further helpful information regarding the upcoming election – including sample ballots, polling place locations, and essential voter resources – can be found at