Friday, November 1, 2013

Message from Council Member Kevin Reich

This year’s election will be a complex affair, with Ranked Choice Voting (RCV), multiple mayoral candidates and two ballot questions related to the Minneapolis City Charter. It is particularly important that voters understand the nature and implications of proposed changes to the City Charter before voting on something this significant.

Minneapolis voters will see two ballot questions about the Minneapolis City Charter:

Proposal to Amend the City Charter
“Shall the Minneapolis City Charter be amended in the form of a complete revision which (1) modernizes the Charter; (2) redrafts its provisions for brevity and in plain language; (3) reorganizes the Charter into nine articles, and groups related provisions together; (4) removes from the Charter certain provisions for possible enactment into ordinance; and (5) retains the current role and relationships of City boards and commissions?”

Proposal to Amend the Minneapolis City Charter Liquor-Licensing Provisions
“Shall the Minneapolis City Charter provisions relating to the sale of liquor and wine be amended by reorganizing and rewriting in plain modern language?

I urge you to think carefully about your votes on these two ballot measures. The City Charter defines how the City is governed and establishes the roles of the Mayor, the City Council, various departments of City government and the independent Boards we have in Minneapolis, the Park Board and the Board of Estimate and Taxation. Changes to the Charter need to be thoughtfully considered, since there may be many unintended consequences. Indeed, City Attorney Susan Segal has expressed concerns about potential legal consequences related to the extent of the revisions of this controlling document. To view the specific changes to the Charter that are being proposed and to see side-by-side comparisons, please visit

Further helpful information regarding the upcoming election – including sample ballots, polling place locations, and essential voter resources – can be found at

MWMO Launches Launches Phase II

In 2012 the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) opened their new headquarters on the banks of the Mississippi in the Marshall Terrace neighborhood. The facility was constructed with sustainable materials and incorporates such features as a cistern to capture roof water runoff and a geothermal heating system.

Phase II of the project was launched this year and focuses on the grounds surrounding the building. Stormwater swales, stepping stones and filtration basins will be established in the area between the headquarters and the river, opening up a public space to access the Mississippi while seeing active examples of stormwater management best practices. For more information about Phase II, visit

Shoreham Yards Velodrome Proposal Recap

A six-day international bicycle race got underway at the
Minneapolis Auditorium in 1936. Star Tribune photo from 
Minnesota Historical Society archives
In the 1920s and ‘30s Minneapolis was a regular stop on the Six Day bicycle racing circuit, with races held at the old Minneapolis Auditorium. MN Cycling Center (MNCC) would like to return the city to its cycling glory days, with a proposal for an indoor velodrome and event center located on 18 acres in Shoreham Yards, adjacent to Central Avenue NE.

Jason Lardy, president of MNCC, presented the non-profit’s vision for a bike-oriented sports center at a community meeting at Columbia Manor on Oct. 8. In addition to an indoor velodrome, a BMX track, event center, outdoor plaza incorporating the historic Roundhouse and retail spaces would be part of the overall concept. The organization sees the location at Shoreham Yards, in the heart of Northeast Minneapolis, as an ideal location to attract youth to their educational programming as well as to draw upon the history of transportation centered in that area. The large turnout of 70+ people for the meeting offered some indication of the interest this proposal has generated.

Lardy and his partners expect that the facility would carry a price tag in the neighborhood of $40 million and that if the plan moves forward, construction would be completed in 2017. They have not yet entered into negotiations with property owner Canadian Pacific, but wanted to present the idea to the public to gauge the community’s interest and potential questions and concerns first. For further information about MNCC and their proposal, visit

Hennepin County Business Recycling Grants Grants

Hennepin County provides funds for businesses, non-profit organizations and institutions to start or improve programs to divert recyclables and organics (food and non-recyclable paper) from the trash.

The grant program is open to for-profit and non-profit businesses, organizations and institutions, as well as multifamily housing, located in Hennepin County. Option 1 is available anytime, with accelerated approvals, and offers up to $10,000 toward containers, equipment purchase and installation, hauling service charges and improvements to loading docks and waste enclosures. No match is required and grantees are given a 12-month term to complete their project. Option 2 is available spring and fall, through a competitive selection process, for large or innovative projects. This option offers up to $50,000 and requires matching funds of at least 25% of total project costs.

For further information about these two grant programs, call 612-543-1316 or visit

Fall Street Sweeping in Progress

Public Works began curb-to-curb street sweeping on Oct. 22 and expect to have this work completed by mid-November. City crews will post “No Parking” signs at least 24 hours before sweeping any streets. Parking will be banned from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the day a street is swept. Vehicles not in compliance with “No Parking” signs may be ticketed and towed to the Minneapolis Impound Lot. The City’s website has an interactive tool that allows visitors to find out which week their street is scheduled to be swept. The lookup tool and more information about street sweeping rules and alerts are available at

NE Green Light Project Unveiling

The Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) and the Holland Neighborhood Improvement Association (HNIA) invite all to attend the launch of CEE’s 2013 Art as Energy project on Thursday, November 7, at 3:30 p.m. at the Edison High School parking lot, 700 22nd Ave NE.

The NE Green Light Project, six light sculptures commissioned by CEE and created by James Brenner, will be unveiled, the Edison band will provide entertainment and treats will be served.

This project is the visual symbol of a unique collaboration between CEE and the Holland neighborhood that will serve as a catalyst for energy conservation and sustainability.

Save the Date

Morris Park Players - “Guys & Dolls”
November 1, 2, 7, 8 & 9 (7:30 p.m.), November 3 (2 p.m.), Edison High School, 700 22nd Ave NE. Purchase tickets online at or call 612-724-8373 for more information.

Minneapolis Garden Awards
Thursday, November 7, 7 – 9 p.m., Columbia Manor, 3300 Central Ave NE. Metro Blooms will be honoring the winners of this year’s Minneapolis Garden Awards. The evening will include a dessert reception, cash bar and live music by Scott Mateo Davies. Tickets are $30 and must be purchased by November 3. Go to to purchase tickets.

Edison Open House
Thursday, November 14, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m., 700 22nd Ave NE. Experience an International Baccalaureate classroom and learn about Edison’s college preparatory programs, scholarship opportunities, performing arts, athletic, clubs/activities offerings.

Edison Autumn Bazaar
Saturday, November 16, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m., Edison Gymnasium, 700 22nd Ave NE. This event features local artists and crafters, a farmers market and a silent auction. Proceeds will help fund the Edison 2014 Senior party.

Public Comment on 2014 Levy & Budget
Tuesday, November 19, 6:05 p.m., Council Chambers at City Hall, 350 S. 5th St, Rm. 317. All 2014 budget hearings will also be rebroadcast every weekend prior to December 11’s budget approval on Minneapolis Channel 79; more information about the broadcast schedule can be found at

Northeast Middle School Fall Concert & Art Show
Monday, November 25, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., Northeast Middle School, 2955 Hayes St. NE.

8th Annual Northeast Harvest Gathering
Monday, November 25, 6:30 - 8 p.m., Northeast Middle School, 2955 Hayes St. NE. MPS Superintendent Bernadeia Johnson will be the keynote speaker at this community event. All are welcome and refreshments will be served.

Public Hearing & Budget Adoption
Wednesday, December 11, 6:05 p.m., Council Chambers at City Hall, 350 S. 5th St., Rm. 317.