Friday, November 1, 2013

Hennepin County Business Recycling Grants Grants

Hennepin County provides funds for businesses, non-profit organizations and institutions to start or improve programs to divert recyclables and organics (food and non-recyclable paper) from the trash.

The grant program is open to for-profit and non-profit businesses, organizations and institutions, as well as multifamily housing, located in Hennepin County. Option 1 is available anytime, with accelerated approvals, and offers up to $10,000 toward containers, equipment purchase and installation, hauling service charges and improvements to loading docks and waste enclosures. No match is required and grantees are given a 12-month term to complete their project. Option 2 is available spring and fall, through a competitive selection process, for large or innovative projects. This option offers up to $50,000 and requires matching funds of at least 25% of total project costs.

For further information about these two grant programs, call 612-543-1316 or visit

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