Monday, February 3, 2014

Watch for Temporary “No Parking” Signs

Because of snow and ice buildup along curbs, some streets are getting too narrow for fire trucks, ambulances and transit buses to get around. To ensure that the streets are open for emergency vehicles, “No Parking” signs will be posted in some locations. In some cases, crews will work to remove some of the accumulated snow and ice, as resources allow.

Look for and follow the “No Parking” signs, and please help remind your neighbors to do the same. If you park in a spot posted for “No Parking”, you may receive a ticket, and your car may be towed to the impound lot.

If we get more snowfall in the coming weeks, it may be necessary to impose Winter Parking Restrictions (a city-wide, one-side parking ban on non-Snow Emergency Routes) to help ensure that firefighters, medics and other emergency workers can reach homes and businesses on every street. If you have questions about this work, please call the Ward 1 Office at 612-673-2201 or 311.

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