Friday, October 10, 2014

Former Highland Market Comes Down

This September demolition began at the site of the former Highland Market, the first steps in a major shift on Central Avenue as Walgreens moves down the street. The move is part of a larger business realignment that will bring two brand-new buildings to Central Avenue. Neighborhood HealthSource's Central Clinic will move from their aging building at 2610 Central Avenue to the Methven-Taylor property at 2310 Central, while Walgreens will build a new store at 2600-2620 Central. This activity is the culmination of discussions with the Ward 1 Office, Walgreens and Neighborhood HealthSource over the course of the past two years.
2600 Central Avenue has long been a problematic corner, with a significant amount of Police and Inspections Department resources going toward monitoring  and dealing with criminal activity and livability issues (in the photo at right CM Reich holds a long list of Regulatory Services and Licensing complaints received for the former Highland Market).
The new Walgreens store will be larger than the current location and will feature a drive-through at the rear of the building. The building's design took into account both community comments and the Central Avenue Design Guidelines. As a result, the landscaping plan will include rain gardens, an amenity advocated for by the Holland neighborhood. Adelheid Koski, president of the Holland Neighborhood Improvement Association, and Nick Christoff, Walgreens District Manager, were also on hand to mark the launch of the project with the demolition of the row of aging buildings. Up next: Neighborhood HealthSource Central Clinic will have a groundbreaking ceremony at 2310 Central in a few weeks.

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