Tuesday, January 12, 2016

STEP-UP Program Accepting Applications

The City of Minneapolis youth employment program STEP-UP is now accepting applications for 2016 summer interns. Eligible Minneapolis youths ages 14-21 who are interested in participating in the 2016 STEP-IP class have until Feb. 5, 2016, to complete an application online.

STEP-UP is one of the country's premiere youth employment programs, serving Minneapolis youths who face some of the greatest barriers to employment. This includes youths from disadvantaged economic backgrounds, youths of color, youths from recent immigrant families, and youths with disabilities. In addition to summer jobs with more than 230 top Twin Cities companies, non-profits and public agencies, STEP-UP also offers work readiness training, advanced-level internships and industry-specific career opportunities that help interns integrate their career exposure with post-secondary education and career planning.

STPE-UP is a City of Minneapolis program in partnership with AchieveMpls, the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, and Project for Pride in Living. To learn more about STEP-UP or to access the online STEP-UP application, visit the City of Minneapolis website.

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