Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sidewalk Snow & Ice

Clearing your sidewalks of snow and ice is not only required by City Ordinance, it's an essential part of being a good neighbor. For your own benefit and help your neighbors, people pushing stroller or using wheelchairs, and the many people in the City who walk, please do your part.

Minneapolis ordinance requires that single family homes and duplexes clear sidewalks within 24 hours after the end of a snowfall. Apartments, commercial buildings and all other properties must clear the snow within four daytime hours. If the City of Minneapolis gets a complaint or discovers that a sidewalk is not properly cleared, Public Works will inspect and give the property owner a chance to clear it. If it has not been cleared upon re-inspection, the property owner may be issued a citation and fine and crews will remove the snow and ice from the sidewalk. Property owners will be billed for this service.

To report a sidewalk that has not been cleared of snow and ice, call 311 or visit to make an online report.

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