Thursday, March 3, 2016

Minneapolis Tree Sale Begins Monday, March 21

The Minneapolis Tree Sale begins at 9 a.m., Monday, March 21. The City is offering more than 1,200 three- to eight-foot trees for only $25 each. Minneapolis property owners, including residents, businesses and non-profits, may order one tree per property, maximum of three properties.

Visit for more information.

This is a popular program and some varieties do sell out, so plan to order early for best selection. You can visit the Tree Trust website for more information and color photos of available varieties.
You can pick up your ordered tree on Saturday, May 21 (8 am-2 pm), Sunday, May 22 (8 am-2 pm) or Monday, May 23 (3-7 pm) at the Minneapolis Impound Lot, 51 Colfax Avenue North. You must plant your tree on your own private property - not on the boulevard (area between sidewalk and street). It is the law to call Gopher State One Call (651-454-0002) at least three days before digging. They will mark buried utility lines for your safety. Large shade trees should be planted at least fifteen feet away from nearby power lines and/or buildings.The City of Minneapolis has funded the City Trees program since 2006. In the past seven years, the City Trees program has planted more than 8,900 trees in Minneapolis, an accomplishment made possible through the hard work of Tree Trust staff and volunteers.

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