Monday, January 9, 2017

Pollution Bills Now Reflect Impact

Pollution control bills going out now to businesses are simpler and more in line with costs since the City changed its pollution control fee structure. The new structure eliminates fees for many small businesses across Minneapolis, and it charges businesses more when they pollute more.

The City charges businesses pollution impact fees for equipment or operations that affect or could affect the environment in Minneapolis. The fees pay for environmental work on polluted indoor and outdoor air, groundwater and surface waters, and land.

In an urban environment, the cost of pollution to public health can be five times greater than in outstate areas. Built into the fee restructure are exemptions for businesses actively working to reduce their pollution impacts. Businesses can avoid paying fees for two to 10 years by reducing their pollution emissions between 10 and 40 percent.

The City restructured the fees to align payment more with the services provided, promote technologies that reduce pollution, and make it more attractive to change outdated practices and eliminate hazards.

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