Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Two Calls for Artists

Artist Neighborhood Partnership Initiative (ANPI)

CURA’s Artists Neighborhood Partnership Initiative (ANPI) provides small grants to artists of color and Native artists working in neighborhoods in Minneapolis, St. Paul and the surrounding suburbs. ANPI grants recognize the valuable role that artists and the arts play in neighborhood revitalization efforts and are intended to support the leadership of artists in community revitalization efforts. This grant program is particularly focused on directly funding individual artists or groups of artists who are working to build a more equitable Twin Cities.

The goal of the program is to identify and support compelling projects that artists have developed in response to their community’s specific challenges and opportunities. They are now accepting proposals for one-year support of artist-driven projects. For more information, visit HERE.

Minneapolis Convention Center Exhibit

Art Force, a Ward One-based artwork services provider, is requesting submissions of original two-dimensional artwork for their SmartArt Rotating Art Program for exhibition at the Minneapolis Convention Center. They are seeking large scale pieces, 40"X60" or larger, from artists who live and/or work in the City of Minneapolis. The goal of the exhibit is to showcase the varied visual art talent created by local artists. Consideration will be given to artists with a cultural or geographic perspective that is unique or appropriate to Minneapolis and artists who could be considered emerging in their development.

The deadline for submission is February 24, 2017. For further information and submission details, contact Mary Skaden at

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