Whenever we've seen a change in MPD leadership over the past seven years, whether at the Precinct or the citywide level, I have offered our community an opportunity to meet with the new leadership. This year is no exception, as Acting Chief Medaria Arradondo takes over from former Chief Harteau. I invite you to check out the details below about our upcoming Ward One Community Forum and join us on August 15. Imani Jaafar, the Director of the Office of Police Conduct Review, and Jennifer Singleton, Vice Chair of the Police Conduct Oversight Commission, will also be joining us.
I'd also like to remind you about the upcoming Eastside BBQ on August 24. This will be the eleventh year of this great event which brings together the community, local businesses, and students and families to celebrate and support our Eastside schools. Come for dinner, meet new people, join in on a game in Jackson Square Park or the Basin, and enjoy the entertainment. All of our Eastside schools will be holding their open houses that day. See the article below for the details. The Eastside BBQ is one of our community's signature events and I hope to see you there!