Tuesday, August 1, 2017

First Full Year of Organics Recycling Data Released

More than 45,000 households have signed up to participate in the City’s organics recycling program. The City collects food scraps, coffee grounds, meat trimmings, paper towels and many other items weekly from households for composting. In the first full year since organics recycling rolled out citywide, participating residents – almost 43 percent of Solid Waste and Recycling customers – diverted almost 4,000 tons of organics from the trash for composting. That’s 175 pounds of organics per household.
And it’s pretty clean; less than 1 percent of what residents are placing in carts is not acceptable material. The most common contaminants were plastic-lined paper products. This includes decorative paper plates, boxes from frozen pizza and other frozen foods, take and bake pizza trays, paper ice cream tubs, milk cartons, non-compostable to-go containers and coffee cups, Chinese food containers, butcher paper and butter wraps.
Customers who participate in organics recycling allow organic material to be put to a better use through composting. Solid Waste & Recycling customers who have not signed up to participate in the program may do so at any time by visiting www.minneapolismn.gov/organics. There is no extra cost, but they have to sign up. Residents who participate in the program may be able to reduce the size of their garbage carts and save money on their City of Minneapolis utility bills.
Organics recycling includes:

  • All food scraps including fruits, vegetables, bones, meat, breads, pasta, nut shells, eggshells and dairy products.
  • Non-recyclable and food-soiled paper products including paper towels, napkins, facial tissues, egg cartons and pizza boxes.
  • Certified compostable paper cups, plates, bowls, utensils, bags and takeout containers.
  • Other compostable items including coffee grounds; tea bags; wood chopsticks, Popsicle sticks and toothpicks; hair; and houseplant trimmings.

Organics recycling does not include yard waste; pet waste, litter or bedding; milk cartons; ice cream tubs; Chinese food containers; dryer lint; dryer sheets; diapers; sanitary products; cleaning or baby wipes; grease; oil; Styrofoam; foil-lined products; non-certified compostable bags and food service items; or products labeled “biodegradable.”
Find more information at www.minneapolismn.gov/organics.

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