Monday, August 5, 2013

New Elections Website

The City of Minneapolis has launched a new elections website to help voters get ready for this fall’s election. By visiting, voters can learn what they need to know about how to register to vote, find their polling place, and many other elections topics.

Because Minneapolis will use ranked-choice voting this year, the website can help people learn how to vote using ranked-choice voting, and they can see how ballots are counted. Ranked-choice voting gives voters the opportunity to rank up to three candidates for each office. The website features an interactive demonstration ballot that voters can use to learn how to mark a ranked-choice ballot. After completing the ballot, visitors to the site can see how the ballot-counting works. Minneapolis voters can also use the website to ensure they are ready to vote. You can check your registration status or download a voter registration application on the website. You can use the polling-place finder to find your assigned polling place and also find information about absentee voting.

The City has also produced a new video that explains everything you need to know about ranked-choice voting. The video can be found at The City’s mobile application has also been updated this year to help voters. Users of the 311 app for iPhones and Android devices can now easily access the election’s Your Vote guide with quick links to key election-related information, including how to register to vote, finding your polling place, and how to absentee vote.

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