Monday, August 5, 2013

Meet the First Ward Interns

The First Ward office welcomed two student interns this summer: Najma Omar and Lanee Johnson. Najma, who will be an Edison High School senior this fall, had the opportunity to work with the City’s Intergovernmental Relations department, assisting with the visit of a delegation from our Sister City Ibaraki, Japan. This experience will be a good complement to her plans to pursue a degree in International Relations.

Lanee was a senior at Edison this past year and an active member of their Voyager program, working with the Chamber of Commerce. During her Ward One internship, she and Najma developed a public safety brochure for National Night Out. She also had the opportunity to sit in on a variety of City Council and Committee meetings. Lanee will be attending North Dakota State University this fall, with plans to pursue a Political Science degree.

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