Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Message from Council Member Kevin Reich

My second term representing the First Ward began this January 6 with the swearing in of the new City Council, including seven new members, and Mayor Betsy Hodges. I look forward to working with my Council colleagues old and new and the Mayor as we continue to collaborate to strengthen Minneapolis’ economic vitality, livability and inclusivity.

My committee assignments this term include Executive Committee, Zoning & Planning (Z&P), Community Development & Regulatory Services (CR&RS), Public Safety, Civil Rights & Emergency Management (PSCR&EM), Claims, and Transportation & Public Works (TPW) Committee. I am very pleased to assume leadership of TPW, as I believe basic infrastructure and service delivery issues are a core function of municipal government. This committee has oversight of infrastructure improvements, traffic and traffic-management issues, special service districts and related assessments, bicycle and pedestrian plans and initiatives, recycling and solid waste disposal issues, and is responsible for considering appeals relating to block events and encroachment permits.

In addition to these committees, I have been assigned to a number of sub-committees, boards and commissions, including Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO), Minneapolis Riverfront Partnership (MRP), Metro Cities’ Transportation Advisory Board (TAB), Downtown Minneapolis Transportation Management Organization (TMO), Meet Minneapolis, Water Advisory Board, Rail Policy Group, NRP Policy Board and Metro CitiesGrant Evaluation & Ranking System (GEARS) board. I am very pleased to assume these assignments since many of them align closely with my interests in transportation, public works and water issues.

2014 marks my second year as chair of the MWMO board. As many of you know, this organization has located their new headquarters in the First Ward, in a beautiful facility on the banks of the Mississippi at Marshall Street. I look forward to working with this dynamic organization to implement initiatives to protect our river in the upcoming year.

2nd Precinct Crime Reductions Lead City

In early January, Police Chief Harteau and Mayor Hodges convened a press conference at the Northeast Library to announce the city’s 2013 crime statistics and discuss public safety initiatives planned for 2014. The location in the 1st Ward was chosen to highlight that for the second year in a row the 2nd Precinct leads the City in crime reduction. Among other statistics, burglary was down by 13% in the precinct. The 2nd Precinct, under the direction of Inspector Kathy Waite, has continued to foster the types of community partnerships that make these reductions possible and make the 2nd Precinct a safe place to live. For a look at some of the news coverage of this story, check out this link: http://kstp.com/news/stories/S3272872.shtml?cat=1.

New initiatives that were announced for 2014 include implementing a pilot program for the use of body cameras for officers and the creation of a Chief’s Youth Citizen Advisory Council to allow youth to be involved in the work MPD does to prevent youth violence.

Soil Vapor Intrusion in SE Como

As MPCA continues testing homes in the SE Como neighborhood to determine the levels of TCE vapors at individual properties, residents have many questions and concerns. 1st Ward Council Member Kevin Reich and 2nd Ward Council Member Cam Gordon will be hosting a community meeting to hear concerns and discuss what role the City can take. The meeting will be:

Thursday, January 23, 7 – 9 p.m.
Van Cleve Recreational Center, 901 15th Avenue SE

Representatives from MPCA, MN Department of Health, Barr Engineering and General Mills will also hold an additional open house to answer questions, address concerns, as well as have both the sampling and mitigation access agreements available to review and sign:

Tuesday, January 28, 4 – 6 p.m.
Van Cleve Recreational Center, 901 15th Ave SE

If you are not available at the above time, but wish to speak to someone, please contact:

For project or testing questions:
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Edward Olson, Site Remediation, 651-757-2627, edward.olson@state.mn.us
Hans Neve, Site Remediation, 651-757-2608, hans.neve@state.mn.us

For health-related questions:
Minnesota Department of Health
Rita Messing, 651-201-4916 or Emily Hansen, 651-201-4602

To schedule sampling, call Sara Gaffin, Barr Engineering, 952-832-2935
To contact General Mills, call 763-293-1165
For more information about the study, visit http://www.pca.state.mn.us/ax83hxk

Proposed Conservation District Ordinance

To protect visual character in neighborhoods, the City of Minneapolis has begun developing a conservation district ordinance. Using public input, the City is designing the proposed ordinance to safeguard notable visual character in a manner that offers more protections than the zoning code but is less stringent than historic district design guidelines. The City will host a public meeting to discuss the proposed conservation district ordinance:

4:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 28
City Hall, Room 319
350 S. 5th Street

The proposed conservation district ordinance is designed to ensure that development in notable areas respects neighborhood character. Under the proposal, two-thirds of property owners in a contiguous area with notable visual character would have the opportunity to request conservation district status. If passed, the proposed ordinance would amend the City’s existing Heritage Preservation Regulations. Comments on the draft of this ordinance will be accepted in person during the public meeting or by emailing John Smoley at john.smoley@minneapolismn.gov by 4:30 p.m., Feb. 4. For more info, visit www.minneapolismn.gov/hpc/conservation_district_ordinance.

Save the Date

St. Anthony Bridge Public Meeting
Thursday, January 23, 6- 8, RiverVillage East Community Room, 2919 Randolph St NE. An opportunity to learn more about the design concept and project planning for a replacement bridge and to provide feedback on design elements such as the interpretive plaza, historic content and display, and other design elements.
Mpls School Choice Fair
Saturday, January 25, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., Minneapolis Convention Center. Families can meet with representatives of public schools located in Minneapolis at this showcase of district school choices to learn about pre-kindergarten to high school programs. Free parking paid for with vouchers from the fair will be available at city ramps at 1111 Marquette Ave. and 1001 2nd Ave S. Shuttle service will be available from 10 locations in the city, with details posted on the district’s website: www.k12.mn.us. Deadline for submitting a school choice card for the 2014-15 school year is Feb. 28.
Mend-It ClinicSaturday, January 25, noon – 3 p.m., Northeast Library, 2200 Central Avenue NE. Get help repairing or altering your clothing and other soft goods from volunteers with sewing skills. Volunteers will be available to work on hems, seams, buttons, belt loops, rips, patches, stuffed toys, help with zippers and more. Bring items including clothes, bags, linens, curtains, or your own sewing project. For more information, visit www.henneping.us/fixitclinic