Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Proposed Conservation District Ordinance

To protect visual character in neighborhoods, the City of Minneapolis has begun developing a conservation district ordinance. Using public input, the City is designing the proposed ordinance to safeguard notable visual character in a manner that offers more protections than the zoning code but is less stringent than historic district design guidelines. The City will host a public meeting to discuss the proposed conservation district ordinance:

4:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 28
City Hall, Room 319
350 S. 5th Street

The proposed conservation district ordinance is designed to ensure that development in notable areas respects neighborhood character. Under the proposal, two-thirds of property owners in a contiguous area with notable visual character would have the opportunity to request conservation district status. If passed, the proposed ordinance would amend the City’s existing Heritage Preservation Regulations. Comments on the draft of this ordinance will be accepted in person during the public meeting or by emailing John Smoley at john.smoley@minneapolismn.gov by 4:30 p.m., Feb. 4. For more info, visit www.minneapolismn.gov/hpc/conservation_district_ordinance.

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