Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sidewalk Snow & Ice

Clearing sidewalk snow and ice is an important responsibility for property owners in the City of Minneapolis. Keeping our sidewalks safe and comfortable for winter walking is important for all pedestrians, but essential for those people who are mobility-impaired or pushing strollers. Please do your part.
Minneapolis ordinance requires that property owners clear sidewalks after the end of a snowfall within:
* 24 hours for houses and duplexes
* 4 daytime hours for apartment and commercial buildings (daytime hours begins at 8 a.m.)
If the City of Minneapolis gets a complaint or discovers that a sidewalk is not properly cleared, Public Works will inspect the sidewalk and give the property owner a chance to clear it. If the sidewalk has not been cleared upon re-inspection, the property owner may be issued a citation with a fine. Crews will remove the snow and ice from the sidewalk and property owners will be billed for this service. To report a sidewalk that is not shoveled, call 311 or visit www.minneapolismn.gov.
Remember that property owners are as responsible for clearing ice on the sidewalk as clearing snow. 
Free sand is available to Minneapolis residents at 1809 Washington Street NE at 18th and Jefferson.

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