Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Congrats to the Theater Departments of Edison and Northeast Middle School

The second weekend in December was a stellar occasion for theater goers on the Eastside, with two fine school productions occurring simultaneously.
Edison High School presented "Working!", a musical based on Studs Terkel's oral history collection of stories from people of all walks of life. The full title of Terkel's book is "Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do" and his subjects range from film critics to janitors, receptionists to farmers. "Working" was adapted as a musical in 1977. In addition to his writing, Terkel worked as a broadcaster for 45 years. For more information about his work, visit http://studsterkel.org/
Northeast Middle School's theater department, which has been producing some very ambitious plays recently including last year's "Peter Pan", mounted "Shining Princess of the Slender Bamboo". This dramatized folktale was highlighted by a lovely set and truly magical lighting design. If you missed either of these opportunities to see some of the Eastside's youngest generation of thespians, stay tuned for information about their upcoming spring productions.

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