Thursday, May 5, 2016

Senior Partners Care Program

An increasing number of Minnesota’s low to moderate income individuals are at risk of sliding down the slippery slope toward financial crisis. The problem is becoming critical for thousands of older or disabled Minnesotans whose income is between 100% and 200% of the Federal Poverty Index. These are people who are on Medicare, do not qualify for Medicaid, and are frequently unable to pay the balance of their health costs after Medicare has paid. Fortunately, there is help for these Minnesotans, who meet eligibility requirements, with the Senior Partners Care program.

The Senior Partners Care program helps Medicare beneficiaries bridge the financial gap between what they owe on medical bills and what is covered by Medicare. Senior Partners Care is not insurance. However, thanks to partnerships with hundreds of hospitals, clinics and providers statewide, seniors and disabled may have all or part of their healthcare debt waived by participating providers.

To qualify, seniors and disabled must have Medicare A and B, no supplemental insurance, meet income and asset thresholds, seek care from participating medical providers and submit an application with a modest annual fee, for approval. For an application or to receive more information on Senior Partners Care call 952-767-0665 or toll free 1-888-541-5488. Or visit us at

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