Thursday, May 5, 2016

Leroy Leftwich: Ward One Public Health Hero

As part of the City of Minneapolis' celebration of National Public Health Week in April, Council Member Reich had the opportunity to award Leroy Leftwich (pictured at right) with a Public Health Hero award for his work teaching young people how to bike and ski.

Mr. Leftwich works with low-income, minority and immigrant students at Pillsbury Elementary School. Every year through Pillsbury's celebrated Pedal Power program (which has also been a Public Health Hero award-winner), he teaches basic biking skills to 30 or so nine and ten-year-old kids who may never have previously been on a bicycle. He is also head ski coach and instructor for Pillsbury's 4th grade class and assistant ski coach for the 5th grade class. Several student members of Pillsbury Pedal Power biked down to City Hall with Mr. Leftwich for the Awards ceremony.

Mr. Leftwich truly embodies our City's health goal of "Thriving Youth and Young Adults" as he opens new worlds for these children.

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