Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Council Member's Message

I’m pleased to share news about two important reports that were released in June: the Clean Energy Partnership report and the 2015 Creative Vitality Index.

The Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership was established in 2015 as a first-of-its-kind City-utility partnership between the City of Minneapolis, Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy. I and the other Clean Energy Partnership board members are charged with collaborating on strategies to help our city achieve the clean energy goals outlined in the City’s 2013 Climate Action Plan and Energy Vision for 2040. The Clean Energy Partnership’s inaugural report details highlights of its first year and the specifics of its two year work plan.

Much of the first year was dedicated to getting the Energy Vision Advisory Committee in place, as well as developing a work plan and metrics. During the course of this first year, rooftop solar installations in the City were up by 40% over the previous year and Home Energy Squad visits were increased by 68 % (see the story below for more information about receiving a free visit). Click HERE to read the two-year work plan.

The 2015 Creative Vitality Index report was also released in June. The findings showed that creative jobs have grown by 10.4 percent, outpacing overall job growth in the Minneapolis economy and the City retains its spot as the sixth highest metro index in the U.S., topping many larger municipalities. Our creative industries represented more than $4.5 billion in sales, a whopping number by any standard.

The 2015 Index included demographic data for the first time, offering some interesting insights into the makeup of our creative economy. For example, analysis found that a slightly higher percentage of women work in creative occupations in Minneapolis, than in the rest of the Metro and the country as a whole, while a lower percentage of people of color are represented in our local creative economy. The data also showed that the average creative worker has a lower hourly wage than other Minneapolis and metro workers. Click HERE to read the entire report.

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