Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Receational Fires: Be a Good Neighbor

Following these Minneapolis laws will help keep our neighborhoods safe and livable:
  • Outdoor fires are permitted between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m.
  • Keep fire small: less than three feet in diameter and two feet high.
  • Postpone a fire when Minneapolis is under an air pollution advisory. Fires release fine particles that contribute to air pollution and can be a factor in a number of health problems including strokes, heart attacks and asthma. Sign up for air quality alerts at http://mn.enviroflash.info.
  • Burn only untreated, unpainted, dry wood. Never burn cardboard boxes, trash or debris, because the smoke can be toxic. www.minneapolismn.gov/environment/air/airquality
  • Fire must be at least 25 feet away from a structure or combustible material and in a fire ring or pit with edges more than six inches high.
  • Have a hose or fire extinguisher present.
  • Postpone the fire when the wind exceeds 10 mph.
  • Fire must be constantly attended by someone 18 years or older and completely out before being abandoned.
Any illegal burning can result in a $200 fine.

For more information on recreational fires or to register a complaint about a recreational fire, call 311 or emailMinneapolis311@minneapolismn.gov, or to register a complaint about a recreational fire outside 311 hours, call 911. The Fire and Police departments are authorized to extinguish a fire immediately if it is hazardous.

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