Thursday, September 15, 2016

Organics Recycling Training Sessions

Do you like the idea of organics recycling but you don’t know how to do it? The City is offering two organics recycling training sessions in the fall. Get your questions answered with hands-on learning, demonstrations and tips that make organics recycling easy in your home. Learn what happens to organics once they are collected. Pick up a yard sign to promote the organics recycling program on your block. Hear about the City’s new Recycling Block Leader program and how you can sign up to be the leader on your block.

Come to either session:

6-8 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 27
Longfellow Recreation Center, 3435 36th Ave. S.

6-8p.m., Thursday, Oct. 13
Windom Northeast Recreation Center, 2251 Hayes St. NE

RSVPs are encouraged.

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