Thursday, September 15, 2016

Edison Green Campus Phase II Unveiled

Project partners MWMO, Minneapolis Public Schools, Holland Neighborhood Improvement Association, City of Minneapolis, James Brenner, AWH Architects and Lazor.

Phase II of the Edison Green Campus was unveiled on September 9 shortly before Edison's first home football game. This phase of the multi-year sustainability initiative includes a new grand entrance to the Edison athletic field, a concessions building, greenhouse, community garden and underground storage tanks that will hold stormwater runoff collected from the gym roof, plaza, field and parking lot. Project partners, students and community members gathered on the new plaza to celebrate the completion of another piece of an initiative that has truly made Edison High School the greenest school in the state.

Later this fall a solar canopy will be installed over the plaza that will generate enough energy to power 53 homes per year, offsetting 40 percent of the school's electricity needs. Other highlights of the Green Campus include a stormwater re-use system with the potential to store up to 110,900 gallons of captured rainwater, which will be used to irrigate the athletic field and a redesigned parking lot that can capture and treat more than 47,000 gallons of polluted stormwater runoff at a time. The greenhouse and student-created community garden will offer Edison students hands-on urban agriculture opportunities, while the entire Green Campus will function as an outdoor classroom and laboratory.

The many partners involved in this project include Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, Minneapolis Public Schools, Holland Neighborhood Improvement Association, City of Minneapolis, LISC, Minnesota Vikings, Spark-Y, AWH Architects, Stantec, and Lazor Office.

Edison Plaza Greenhouse

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