Friday, September 1, 2017

City of Minneapolis Public Art Tours

The City of Minneapolis has teamed up with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board on six self-guided, interactive tours exploring public art. There are approximately 300 individual pieces of public art to visit in Minneapolis. The Eastside tour alone features 11 works, 74 individual pieces and 12 artists.
The interactive maps feature detailed information about each artwork and directions to the pieces. The maps also provide information on how long each tour will take for those who choose to bike, walk or drive. To learn more about the artworks and featured artists, visit the Minneapolis Public Art Tour interactive website. Tour goers are encouraged to share their adventures using the hashtag #TourMplsArt.
The photo at left is one of the 26 different painted metal motifs created by artist Susan Fiene, as part of the Northeast Gateway public art project located at the intersection of Broadway and Central Avenues NE. The motifs, created in reference to 26 different ethnic heritages, convey the cultural diversity of the Northeast community.

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